Springtime in England
Ok so this post isn’t about wedding videos, or even weddings for that matter, or even videos, but Shaun did make a dreamy little film to accompany a totally unrelated to weddings or videos blog about Springtime in England!
A few months ago I wrote a blog post titled ‘Spring Bucket List’ which told you all about my love of the Spring season in the UK well it appears to be contagious as Shaun is now in love with the British Springtime too. So much so in fact, that he chose to make a sweet and quirky little video of me, and on occasion my little sister and my mum, strolling through the countryside of Essex, and I think you’ll agree that England during Spring is as pretty as a picture.
As a side note; we spend quite a lot of time in England every year, so if you know of anyone looking for unique, fun and passionate wedding videographers / cinematographers to film their wedding, (anywhere throughout Europe for that matter), please direct them our way as the chances are we’ll be there anyway!
Enjoy the video… it’s all very soft focus-y to put across the way I feel when I’m in that environment… which is kind of like I’ve reverted back to my doe-eyed and playful childhood.
P.S. It was REALLY Cold and our Australian attire really didn’t cut it so don’t judge me on the blue ‘egghead’ and purple ‘marshmallow’ look!