
Showing: Our Work

Alex & Josh, Spicers Hidden Vale


Words come fairly easily to me but trying to find words that adequately describe Alex and Josh as individuals, as a couple and as wedding (and of course, marriage) creators is next to impossible… but I’ll do my best. Alex and Josh are incredibly smart, insanely sweet and are so
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Kate & Mark, Ewingsdale Hall

What’s better than witnessing a young couple madly in love about to tie the knot and start a wonderful life together? I’ll tell you… it’s a couple that have already created 3 gorgeous sons, that have already created a wonderful life for themselves and their boys but had never got
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Bec & Michael, Boomerang Farm

Bec and Michael’s Boomerang Farm wedding was a barrel of fun! Poor Michael had a broken leg and it was seriously causing him some grief but he held it together… until he saw his beautiful bride come down the aisle… then he lost his sh*t and it was oh so
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Scott & Kirsten, Osteria, Casuarina

Right now I’m eating breakfast with one hand whilst typing this blog with the other; I usually can’t do that. And not due to my lack of ambidextrous abilities (although I should admit to having spilt muesli absolutely everywhere for that precise reason; that could possibly be the most Hipster
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White Magazine Business Feature

It’s often the way that the genesis of great things can be found in the small and seemingly insignificant. In Shaun and TJ’s case, the rudiments of what is now Lemon Tree Film House began as a chance meeting at a bar in Spain. He was a bartender. She needed
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